Coaching Terms

I agree to engage in the process of non-medical hypnosis. I understand that I will have all choices at all times and can start and end the process at anytime, even during my session. The services rendered are held out to the public as non-medical/non-therapeutic hypnotism, defined as the learning of self-hypnosis to induce positive thinking, create commitment to change and to learn the techniques of self-hypnosis to produce self-control over physical experiences and emotional awareness. Our services are not represented as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and we make no health benefit claims for our services.

In requesting professional consultation and assistance, I understand that to be successful I must be entirely willing to:

Recognise that my health and well-being depend directly on how well I care for myself emotionally, physically, spiritually and intellectually. Acknowledge that my feeling, thoughts, images and desires, conscious and subconscious, ultimately determine the course of every action and relationship in my life. Realise that blaming anything or anyone, including myself, is totally useless and that the only person that can take charge of my life is me. Accept responsibility for myself, my choices and action, and that I, knowingly or unknowingly, create them. Agree to be on time for my appointments and participate wholeheartedly in the work I am undertaking.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood the FAQ’s, Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy on

I know my heartfelt commitment is an important first step in my work here, and my agreement below underscores that commitment.  

Hypnosis is a very powerful process that has helped millions of people make changes that they want to make in their lives. However, hypnosis is not "mind control." Ultimately, you are responsible for the changes that occur as a result of the hypnosis sessions. There is always a human factor. Doctors don't guarantee that you will get well. Teachers can't guarantee that you will learn, and lawyers can't guarantee that you will "win" your case. At our coaching sessions, what I can guarantee is the very best service using current information and appropriate hypnotic techniques for your situation. My goal is to provide you with the most effective hypnosis process in the most efficient use of your time. We begin your process with a systematic series of sessions detailed in a session plan or single sessions that include customisation for your unique set of needs, continued reinforcement, and self-hypnosis training.

Many clients reach their goals in the initially scheduled sessions, and most people (but not everyone) begin to experience benefits from the very first session. Hypnosis is a process. Many clients elect to schedule follow-up sessions for reinforcement or coaching or to focus on other challenges once the initial problem has been resolved.

Appointment changes (rescheduling, cancelation, or missed appointments) must be made at least 24 hours before scheduled appointment or clients will forfeit that session. Late arrivals of 10 minutes are treated as a missed appointment. Due to the limited number of appointments available, our cancellation policy must be enforced.

Any prepaid Sessions will expire 12 months after last point of contact made by the client.

Your Process Is Confidential: Client records and transactions with the practitioner are confidential, and may only be viewed by the director and staff, unless release of these records is authorised in writing by the client, or otherwise provided by law.

“By agreeing to these terms, I understand that hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not meant to diagnose or treat any medical or mental health condition, but instead offering tools of self-discovery and awareness to compliment any medical treatment prescribed by a physician and to provide information, education, and motivation that will promote feeling better, thinking differently, and generally being more effective in life. It is designed to give me insight and tools into my innate potential and guide me into being more effective in helping myself. I also realise that hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not a substitute for conventional medicine, and I have been encouraged to seek the advice of a licensed health care provider should I choose to with regard to treating me for specific medical or psychological problems. I understand that my medical and health professionals may be contacted to ensure everyone is working on the same page for my health. By clicking 'I Agree', I am stating that I have read this form and understand that, like the other healing arts, the practice of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, is not an exact science: Therefore, results are not guaranteed, and that refunds are exclusive to Initial Sessions only and only when requested by email within 30 Days of that first appointment.

I agree to continue medication as prescribed by my attending physicians and understand that hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical care. If any medical symptoms progress or become acute I agree to seek medical attention from a licensed healthcare provider. In the event of a medical emergency or if I feel suicidal, I will call 000 or Lifeline 13 11 14 (In Australia) or 911 (In USA) other emergency help. I understand that the methods of hypnosis may include relaxation, breath work, creative visualisation, positive affirmation, self-awareness development and other techniques and may produce physical and emotional responses. I agree to inform my hypnotist of any adverse feelings or experiences related to this process, at the time of my awareness of them. I have been informed as to the limits of hypnosis effectiveness and offered referral to other providers of alternative approaches to problem solving. I am over age 18, and consent to hypnosis services offered by Adelaide Hypnosis.”